Exceptional Outdoor Spaces in Lake Norman, Charlotte, Weddington, Waxhaw, and Beyond.

"We do it ALL and we do it RIGHT"

Exceptional Outdoor Spaces in Lake Norman, Charlotte, Weddington, Waxhaw, and Beyond.

"We Do It All and We Do It Right"

Landscaping Tip: Consider Your Home Systems

Oct 9, 2017 | Charlotte Landscaping, Landscape Design Planning

Before starting a landscaping project, it is important to consider the impact of the plants to home systems like water pipes, gutters, roofing materials and air conditioning units.


You should also consider the kind of maintenance a certain plant needs and if the site could allow these plants to live.


Visual Appeal: We like to place different colors next to one-another to create a vibrant contrast that really “pops”!



For more information on the perfect balance of beauty and upkeep – contact Outdoor Contracting, Inc. to discuss your specific landscape design plans.

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