Exceptional Outdoor Spaces in Lake Norman, Charlotte, Weddington, Waxhaw, and Beyond.

"We do it ALL and we do it RIGHT"

Exceptional Outdoor Spaces in Lake Norman, Charlotte, Weddington, Waxhaw, and Beyond.

"We Do It All and We Do It Right"

Custom Carpentry, Curved Arbors, Curved Boadwalks – Whatever You Desire!

Mar 19, 2018 | Carpentry, Decking and Carpentry

Having a deck, patio, terrace, or gazebo installed on your property doesn’t just make it look better, it creates a living space that makes your house feel more like a home.



Decks are a great way to entertain friends with birthday parties and summer BBQs! It also increases the value of your home. Experts say you can recover around 75% of the cost of building the deck by the amount it will raise the overall value of your property.


So, if the aesthetic, practical, and economical appeal to you, contact Outdoor Contracting, Inc. for all of the details!

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