Exceptional Outdoor Spaces in Lake Norman, Charlotte, Weddington, Waxhaw, and Beyond.

"We do it ALL and we do it RIGHT"

Exceptional Outdoor Spaces in Lake Norman, Charlotte, Weddington, Waxhaw, and Beyond.

"We Do It All and We Do It Right"

Benefits of Retaining Walls #RetainingWalls

Mar 10, 2017 | Retaining Walls

A Retaining Wall is as much an asthetic appeal as it is functional!


These walls are helpful in preventing flooding and keeping soil in place. It is after all a protective structure first and foremost. The walls help prevent downward slope

movement making your space more secure and beautiful.

Contact Outdoor Contracting to begin a design plan for your retaining wall. Our outdoor contractors are knowledgeable and experienced to take care of the job from start to finish.





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